Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm an alien...Am a little alien!

I dont exist. I am an alien. An outcast. A nobody. I have nothing to my name. Well, legally that is. See, here in Kenya, we transsexuals have absolutely no laws for or against us specifically, here I say specifically because we are humans yes, but its practically stops there.
All my identification documents, my school documents and basically anything that bears my legal name, I cannot just simply claim. For me to claim them, I have to launch an extended explanation about oh this and that and begin long and unwinding conversations about how demonic I am and oh that cwap! Cant handle it.

Luckily, there is a way to change something in my ID card: my name! I want to begin that process ASAP and see what gives. Hoping for the best! :)

p.s. I went to my doctor and boy oh girl that price meeen! I wonder how I shall handle it. Well, lets see how it will go. I really have to go through with that orchi. I know that it will save me tons of money in the long run seeing that I want to reduce my medicine intake as much as possible and hey!, the orchi way is more than half cheaper in the long run!

Whoohoo! Cant wait. Will tell you about the surgery and all. Keep checking!

Wuv U all <3!!
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