Thursday, June 18, 2009


This is the third or fourth consecutive day that I have continuously written here and now am tired! I guess its because im now back to work from a study leave and im feeling very tired. You know a blog is where we share thoughts and life experiences. But today im really really tired! In fact I have posted this late in the evening and its because all through the day I have been trying to put up a presentation for a budget meeting at work. First of all it just kill me to know that despite my saying that I don’t like wearing suits (men’s suits to be precise) I just had to wear my greyish brown suit because inanitoanga vipoa! That means ‘it makes me look good’. But that’s besides the point. Okay. Im babbling around incoherently without saying much sense.
I said I shall put something uo in regards to the revolutionary FACEBOOK SOCIAL NETWORK that’s the buzz in Nairobi and of course the rest of the world. (my head hurts and my eyes are droosy)
Well, facebook has revolutionalized the society of Nairobi very much. In fact, if you have read many of the magazines around or have watched some TV shows that focus on sociality, it’s the most spoken about website I have ever heard of. At this point in time, anyon who doesn’t have a facebook account is seemed to be a socialy misfit of some sort, some people going as far as labeling you as an ‘ancestor’ or ‘outdated’ just for not having one. Its simple. It’s a very simple website that allows you to network with friends, know what they are upto, chat with them, send messages and basically do almost everything you may wanna do int the real life, only now, it’s a virtual interaction. Even corporate companies have pages, celebrities cant miss there and well, everyone, including your mother and granddad! Really can go on and on and on about this ‘very addictive’ network but please, spare me the anguish and try it yourself!

Facebook aside, I have seen that I have neglected you, my sweet readers, by not giving you the latest scoop about my personal life and realization in regards to my sexual orientation. (wow! I cant believe I just typed those words!). so guys please forgive me, but soon you shall be seeing more of my posts on the subject and I will let you know all you wanna know!! Kapeesh?!

Poke someone today!!

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